Indiana Dept. of Revenue Now Accepting Tax Filings For 2020 Income Tax Season
STATEWIDE -- The Indiana Department of Revenue (DOR) is now accepting tax filings for the 2020 individual income tax season. Customers have from now until April 15, 2020, to file their individual income tax returns and pay any taxes owed.
DOR encourages customers to take the time to ensure their individual tax returns are both accurate and complete. A list of several tax tips outlined below were developed to help customers avoid common filing mistakes in order to not delay processing time.
DOR’s top tax tips to customers include:
- Use the correct form.
- Check to ensure all forms submitted are complete.
- Provide all necessary documentation.
- Avoid duplicate filings (if you file electronically, do not file a paper copy and vice-versa).
- Never staple checks or documentation to the return.
- Send materials to the right location—state returns go to DOR, federal to the IRS.
- File electronically, if possible, to ensure faster and more accurate returns.
- Always open and read any correspondence sent from DOR.
A more detailed list of customer tax tips can be found online on DOR’s website at dor.in.gov/5804.htm. Customers are encouraged to review the list before filing this year’s tax returns.
Have questions? Customers are encouraged to contact DOR directly by the following methods:
- Visit DOR – visit any of the 12 district office locations throughout the state during the hours of 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., local time, for face-to-face interactions.
- Call DOR – talk with a Customer Service Representative by calling 317-232-2240, and have tax/filing information handy.
- Email DOR – send an email and get a response within two to four business days by visiting dor.in.gov/3392.htm.
- Message DOR – find DOR on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram @INRevenue and send a direct message.
- Click DOR – visit the DOR website 24/7 at dor.in.gov to find answers and information quickly.