Huntingburg Transit to Continue Operations, Increasing Cleaning on Vehicles to Avoid Spread of COVID-19
HUNTINGBURG -- The Huntingburg Transit System is still running, despite the COVID-19 outbreak.
City officials say federal authorities have not instructed rural transit systems to shut down yet.
Crews are stepping up cleaning efforts, however, to keep the virus from spreading. Crews in Huntingburg are focusing on high touch areas like buttons and handrails.
Read the full statement from the Huntingburg Transit System below....
The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) has yet to recommend or provide any directive that local transit systems should close rural due to COVID-19.
We understand the safety of staff and passengers are of the utmost priority. We will continue to monitor the information and resources provided to our office by state and federal departments of health and the FTA. If we receive any form of directive or recommendation from FTA that systems should close or restrict services, we will be sure to forward that information to you immediately.
City of Huntingburg Transit staff are increasing the frequency of cleaning vehicles to limit the spread the coronavirus. Crews are cleaning vehicles using disinfectant with a focus on high-touch areas like buttons, handholds, rails, etc.
This practice will continue for the foreseeable future as part of the Transit Department’s ongoing efforts to support the health and safety of passengers, employees, and community members.
We are asking everyone to take personal health preparedness steps. Especially in public and while riding transit, please do not touch your face to avoid picking up the virus, wash your hands frequently and thoroughly, and cover your coughs and sneezes. If you are experiencing symptoms of the virus but are in stable condition, please stay home.
People at higher risk of severe illness should stay home and away from large groups of people as much as possible, including public places with lots of people and large gatherings where there will be close contact with others.
Please consider staying home if you are experiencing symptoms of the virus. Due to the small, enclosed environment of the vans, we encourage you to be extra discerning when you are experiencing cold or flu-like symptoms.