Huntingburg Prepares for Future Growth

On Tuesday night, the Huntingburg Board of Finance came together at City Hall for their annual meeting. In addition to the installation of officers and adoption of the investment policy, the superintendents of the utility departments gave reports to the board that detailed both preventative maintenance and responses to equipment failure. 

In the gas department, some changes have been made with providers to account for increases in price. The department finished the gas line relocation under the railroad for the highway project. Expenses were due primarily to not having an easement, so the gas department was responsible for the cost of the work, but it is complete now and some drainage issues can also now be addressed. They will be doing some studies in the coming months in anticipation of future expansion in some areas so that any decisions made will support that possibility proactively. 

The electric department update included the replacement of some poles that blew over in the St. Henry area and some that were no longer viable due to age. The replacement of a transformer for the new sewer wastewater plant will happen sometime in spring. Wastewater will be covering this expense and will also be putting solar in at the site, which should make a big difference in the load required by the transformer. 

The water superintendent’s report discussed maintenance for the water distribution system, including the replacement of a service line at Hunter’s Crossing. The copper has been pulling out of the ground in places, so it is being replaced with poly service line that offers a substantial savings and has been used successfully in Jasper and Ferdinand. There were some leaks that had to be addressed and water mains repaired, which has been completed. The last water main break this month at 8 th and Jackson was a 6-inch cast iron water main dated 1824. That has been replaced, and the department is now moving on to some more preventative updates to other sections of water line that are due for replacement as well. 

 For more information on these and other updates, visit 

 - By Drew Hasselbring