Huntingburg Common Council Introduces Bond Creation for Farbest Foods, Alley Activation Program
Representatives from Farbest Foods took the stage to ask for consideration from economic development to aid funding for the last step in their latest project. Farbest, a company which has invested approximately $72 million in Huntingburg since 2016, asked that the city would issue taxable economic development bonds. Huntingburg would not be liable for the bonds.
The creation of these bonds, Farbest Foods said, would help fund the $32.5 million project due to be complete in July 2022, and protect 640. New renovations and equipment would cut 20 jobs for the company which is currently down 50 workers, and would make jobs safer and easier.
The proposal was introduced and no vote was taken.
Another introduction to the council was the Alley Activation Program. The permanent closure of an alley on 4th Street has been approved by the next-door business and approved by the Board of Public Works. The program would create a permanent barrier to close the local alleyway, making it safer for pedestrians.
In other business:
-Council granted permission to compile a list of grants to apply for in regards to renovating League Stadium
-Flood Hazard Area Ordinance adopted - property within flood areas removed from zoning commission so it could be amended more easily