House Advances Legislation Co-Authored by Bartels to Cut Unnecessary Government

Statehouse — The Indiana House of Representatives voted unanimously in support of legislation co-authored by State Rep. Stephen Bartels (R-Eckerty) to cut unnecessary government.

The bill would repeal certain government bodies, which no longer meet, including the Lake Michigan Marina and Shoreline Development Commission, the Indiana Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, the Public Highway Private Enterprise Review Board and the Orange County Development Advisory Board.

"My goal is to reduce the size of government and these government bodies no longer serve a function and don't even meet," Bartels said. "Removing unnecessary government saves taxpayer money and streamlines processes for Hoosiers."

To find and recognize more defunct or unneeded commissions, authorities and groups, Bartels said the legislation would require the Interim Study Committee on Government to determine whether a group has met in the preceding two years and make recommendations on whether they should be eliminated. Additionally, the study committee must review all interstate compacts to which Indiana is party and recommend whether the state should remain or withdraw from each compact that has been fully operational for at least two years.

House Bill 1075 is now with the Senate for further consideration. Visit for more information.