Hostettler Votes to Advance Bill Supporting Lawful Gun Owners

Indianapolis – State Rep. Matt Hostettler (R-Patoka) voted to advance legislation to ensure law-abiding Hoosier adults can carry a firearm without being required to first obtain a government-issued license. This legislation now moves to the full Indiana House for further consideration.

Hostettler, a member of the House Public Policy Committee, said this proposed legislation would not change the process to legally purchase a handgun, and Hoosiers would still need to complete the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives form, and be approved by the National Instant Criminal Background Check System. He said this process ensures only eligible buyers legally purchase handguns.

"This legislation does nothing to change who can or can't legally own a handgun, it simply would remove unnecessary and burdensome red tape," Hostettler said. "This much-needed change supports law-abiding gun owners who are being forced to ask permission to exercise their Constitutional right."

Hostettler said Indiana is already behind 21 other states that implement lawful carry on behalf of its citizens.

According to Hostettler, reciprocity permits, including five year and lifetime permits, would still be available, and current holders of those permits would still receive that benefit. These permits provide firearm reciprocity, or the ability for Hoosiers to carry in 31 other states. Hostettler said there is no fee for the five year or lifetime personal protection licenses.

The bill would also enhance the penalty for theft of a firearm from a Level 6 felony to a Level 5 felony, which carries a sentence of between 1 to 6 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000.