Hoosier Pastor on Easter: "The Church is the People, Not Just the facility"


INDIANAPOLIS--Whether you are Christian or not, at some time in your life, you ask questions like why I am I here? 

College Park Church Pastor Mark Vroegaop tells WIBC's Hammer and Nigel, that sitting at home gives people time to contemplate, and that some people are looking for answers through streaming church services.

"The church is the people, not just the facility and this coming Easter we're gonna live that out as churches around the country can't gather and at the same time the message of the hope of the Gospel and the resurrection of Christ is gonna go forth," he said.

He believes streaming services, Easter or even after, can do people as much good as church.

Vroegop said some churches have noted that more people are watching the online services than normally attend church.

"One of our services recently, I think we had like 20,000 views on Facebook and our social media presence is up about 500 percent or so."

He said that people want answers to questions that the coronavirus situation might bring up, and that sitting at home gives people more time to contemplate.

"This virus has surfaced questions that are there all the time for us. This virus just makes them more evident," he said. "So, think of it like a big spotlight that just shines on the brokenness of life and the limitations of humanity."

Vroegop noted the historic parallel with the Spanish flu pandemic on 1918.

"The difference with that one, though, is that churches had no ability to livestream. They just had to close."

He also said that the Passover is a good Biblical parallel.

"You've got people hunkered down in their homes as a plague is going through the nation and you have these people covered by the blood of the lamb who are safely in their homes and awaiting God's deliverance."

If Facebook comments and posts are any indication, people are certainly interested in the deliverance aspect.