Holiday World to Cap Attendance, Update Hours, For Remainder of Season
Santa Claus -Effective immediately, Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari will be capping daily attendance and updating hours for August 28, September 4, and September 5. Guests who wish to purchase a single-day visit will need to purchase tickets in advance at holidayworld.com/tickets
Guests with tickets and Season Passes have guaranteed spots for the day and there is no need for an additional reservation.
More information is available online at HolidayWorld.com/2021Visit
“As always, Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari are dedicated to providing a fun and safe experience for our Guests and Team Members,” says Park President & CEO, Matt Eckert.
The parks also announced that attractions and restaurant availability may be limited, as many of their Team Members are students, teachers, and aides, who have been asked to stay at home for the protection of others.
“We understand the newfound unpredictability of staffing can be frustrating, and we want to be transparent in our uncertainty,” adds Eckert. “We feel that limiting our capacity will provide the safest and best possible experience for the remainder of the season.”
In addition, Holiday World recommends all Guests wear face coverings while indoors, regardless of vaccination status. The park asks Guests to please stay home if they are experiencing symptoms of Covid-19, you or someone in your travel party has been recently exposed to Covid-19, or you or someone in your travel party has been asked to quarantine by local health officials. Tickets can be changed to another date to accommodate by visiting Guest Relations during your visit.
“The last two years have truly been a roller coaster, but we are extremely proud of how our Team Members continue to overcome the challenges that the pandemic has thrown our way,” says Eckert. “It’s been a wonderful season filled with happy memories for families, and there’s still more fun on the way!”
Guests can review the full 2021 Visit guide here.
With two full months left in the Holiday World 2021 Season, guests can review the parks 2021 Visit Guide here. Every weekend through October 31 is packed with exciting events and activities during Kids World from August 28-September 19 and Happy Halloween weekends September 25-31. Virtual visits with Santa and Splashin’ Safari will remain open through September 19! Check the ur calendar at HolidayWorld.Com to plan your next visit!