Genesis 12 Project, Heart of Jasper Team Up to Aid Jasper Businesses in Need.

By Kris Norton, [email protected]

Jasper - Anonymous donors behind the Genesis 12 Project, with the help of Heart of Jasper, have come to the aid of nine local businesses.

To date, the ongoing project given nine "blessings" to Jasper businesses, totaling $88,000.

"They've touched a lot of lives by giving these blessings to these small businesses," said Heart of Jasper Director Kate Schwenk. "Whether the owners need inventory, they need maintenance done on their buildings... The funding from the Genesis 12 Project can be used however they need to support their business."

According to Schwenk, Clayton Boyles from the Dubois County Community Foundation approached the Heart of Jasper Board months ago saying this project was in the works, but the foundation needed to work with a nonprofit organization to move funds.

"Really the mission of the Genesis 12 project aligned perfectly with Heart of Jasper," said Schwenk. "It's been a lot of fun so far."

Though the donors do not wish to be in the limelight, they did pass along a statement.

"We want to convey that we've all been blessed in various ways, so that we can be a blessing to others. In our own unique ways, we can give glory to God by being a blessing, which is why it's so important for us to give anonymously. Our hope is that many will see the Genesis 12 project as a call to action. To give their time, talent, and money to those in need. And then so blessed will give and keep the blessings going throughout our community. Ideally the Genesis 12 project is much bigger than what is happening in Jasper at this initial start. Many in our local communities are financially blessed, and if anyone would like to help build upon the Genesis project in Jasper or other communities, please reach out to Kate Schwenk, Heart of Jasper, 482-4255, and we can confidentially discuss how to grow those gifts."

Heart of Jasper, which began May 2020, has turned a community feedback survey into an overall strategy to change Jasper for the better.

"Arts, entertainment, and dining," said Schwenk. "Things that we do, projects, events, we try to tie back to arts, entertainment, and dining."

Heart of Jasper has looked ahead to the next year and beyond, with one major mission in the fold.

Donations of any amount are encouraged and can be made at