Heart of Jasper Presents Courtyard and Activity Trail Plans

Late Monday afternoon, the Jasper Park and Recreation board met to discuss the proposed Courtyard and Activity Trail and to develop a long-term plan for its ongoing maintenance. 

Heart of Jasper gave the board a presentation and a project overview of the proposed Courtyard and Activity Trail planned for 4 th and Main. In order to transform the property from its current use as a parking lot, the project needs a special exception to allow a park in downtown. This still needs final approval, and the board heard that the project will have 100% fundraising by Heart of Jasper. After construction is complete, Heart of Jasper hopes to coordinate with the city to turn over primary maintenance responsibilities to the Park and Recreation Department. 

The project overview indicated that the proposed activity trail will link the Riverwalk to Main Street, which was identified as a need in 2019’s Impact Jasper. The 4th Street parking lot was selected both for its location and because it is owned by the city. Heart of Jasper said that public restrooms have also been identified as a need in the downtown area, and the project will help to satisfy that as well as providing a central point for the downtown expansion. REA, who did the Courthouse Square update, has been selected for the architectural design. They plan to use low-maintenance and high-endurance materials that match the style of the renovations that were implemented in the Square. The design footprint includes a courtyard with turf, an area that could be used as an outdoor gaming station, an LED TV with anti-glare design, a public restroom with four individual stalls, and a seating area. 

The board said that they support the project in concept, although they did clarify that a final decision would be contingent on an agreement spelling out the operation and maintenance of the property. They told Heart of Jasper that before construction, in order for the board to give final approval, a final business plan with maintenance costs and expectations would need to be presented and submitted to the board at a later date. The board further said that final budget including exact costs, a maintenance plan, and the extent of the Park and Recreation department’s ongoing involvement should be submitted at that time. A favorable recommendation was given with the understanding that a final plan still needs to be submitted and approved by the board. 

In other business, the Habig Center reported high attendance at exercise classes and catered meals. Schoolhouse Visitation numbers are up, the Spirit of Jasper has boasted sold out trips, and the Prairie Walk at the Parklands was described as a success. Buffalo Trace and the driving range have also continued to have consistent traffic. The board gave its approval for the burn plan at the Parklands, which will rid the area of some invasive species and will be conducted with professional guidance. In a pool update, the board was presented with updated renderings to reflect current color choices. Construction is still on schedule and the pool structure is starting to be visible. A ribbon cutting at Buehler Park is scheduled for August 27 th . The park restroom is now open, but the crew is still working on some electrical and lighting design elements at the location. 

Bids were opened and will be taken under advisement for the purchase of a 15-foot trailer for Buffalo Trace and for necessary bridge repairs at the Riverwalk. The board accepted the low bid from Love Excavating for the purchase of an electric snow plow, which came in under budget.

For more information on these and other updates, visit jasperindiana.gov or JasperGov-Indiana on Facebook.

- Drew Hasselbring