Green Drinks Dubois County June Event

Green Drinks Dubois County is a gathering event for anyone interested in conversations about sustainable living, conservation, the environment, and climate challenges. It is an opportunity to network with others in the community with similar interests. The next meet-up for Dubois County Green Drinks will be Tuesday, June 18th at St. Benedict’s Brew Works in Ferdinand, Indiana. We will meet from 6-8 pm Eastern/ 5-7 pm Central. 

Join Dubois County Solid Waste Management District Director Carla Striegel-Winner to discover what is recyclable in the county and what is not! Carla will chat informally about the role of the SWMD in Dubois County and what types of items are taken….. and where do those items go on their route to recycling or disposal. She will also explain some of the lesser-known responsibilities and services of the district. Come with questions and comments! Carla has been director of the Dubois County SWMD for 10 years and has 20 years of experience in Indiana’s SWMD. She is a proud lifelong public servant who makes it her priority to ensure residents are served to the best of her ability. 

Check out the Green Drinks Dubois County Facebook event page for more information. You can also contact organizers Danni Schaust at [email protected] or Mark Nowotarski at [email protected] with any questions. 

Green Drinks Dubois County is one of the newest chapters of Green Drinks International with over 350 cities worldwide. Green Drink chapters meet once a month. These informal sessions bring a mixture of people who are environmentally minded. The meetings are very simple and unstructured where people can share their thoughts and ideas with others. For more information on Green Drinks International go to