Greater Jasper Schools to Hold Public Comment for Proposed Raising of $40 Million for Future Renovations
The Board heard from Stifel Institutional's Jim Elizondo, receiving updates and potential avenues to secure funding for future projects. The presentation centered around using short term bond anticipation notes to aid funding for school renovations. Based on Elizondo's numbers, $40 million in issuance notes would lead to interest payments of $450,000, leaving just over $39 million available for future projects. Superintendent Dr. Tracy Lorey and the Board scheduled two public meetings in December for comment. The first meeting, a special meeting is scheduled for December 13th at 8:00 a.m.; the meeting on December 20th at 1:00 p.m. will coincide with the regularly scheduled board meeting.
Representatives from Jasper Middle School briefed the board on additions to school spirit and the involvement in school activities outside of sports. In an early school meeting, it was clear that the school needed to "rebuild community", and foster a "feeling of belonging". The middle school has initiated an occurrence system - students consistently off task will be given an "occurrence"; those who do not earn one over a period of time will be eligible for prizes. The school has also begun initiating "Spirit Fridays" for home rooms and has also received interest from over 30 students in creating an e-Sports chapter.
In Monday's meeting, Jasper High School Head Soccer Coach Michael Donato's resignation was accepted. The Board has named Rod Fortwendel the new head coach. Fortwendel played four years prior to graduating in 1993. Fortwendel coached on the boys' staff for 14 years.
Also Discussed:
- I READY Assessments: 95.1% pass rate for 3rd grade students (82.1% statewide), every student that did not pass received an exception
- Dr. Tracy Lorey mentioned that she had been in contact with a public radio station currently up for sale, the possibility in investing in the high school's The Scratch. No vote was taken.