GJCS Preschools named as NAEYC Accredited Preschool Programs
Preschool programs at Jasper Elementary School and Ireland Elementary School have
been named NAEYC Accredited Preschool Programs.
NAEYC Accreditation helps parents find the best possible early childhood experience
for children. After an extensive application process, skilled and reliable NAEYC program
assessors visit each program to determine that it is meeting NAEYC standards. Using
NAEYC tools and materials, preschool programs are continuously improving their
programs to provide the best possible education opportunities for children.
Jasper Elementary School and Ireland Elementary School are the only school based
preschool program in the state of Indiana to receive this distinguished honor.
The classrooms of Mrs. Jordan Beach and Mrs. Mindy Sendelweck were chosen to be
observed. The notes from the observation included that there was “high quality
adult/child interactions seen throughout the observation period. Communication among
staff members was strong and effective.”
Mrs. Angie Sander, preschool teacher at Jasper Elementary School, commented
“Thank you to everybody’s role in ensuring the preschool children within GJCS have the
highest quality preschool around!”