German American Bank Presents Check to Dubois County Disabled Veteran Chapter

Dubois Co. - Thursday afternoon the German American Bank Employee Foundation presented a check in the amount of $5214.25 to the local Disabled American Chapter #77 of Dubois County.  

Commander Ken Schuetter thanked the German American Bank and its employees for this donation on behalf of Chapter #77 and all the Veterans of Dubois County.  The monies will be deposited in Chapter #77's new van fund.  State Commander Norm Nelson, who was present for the check presentation stated that there are a little over 500,000 Veterans in the state of Indiana.  Not all of them need free rides, but it is a welcome relief for those who have no other way to address their transportation needs.  Having a new van means they can continue fulfilling those needs.  

Those in attendance were German American Bank Employees, Channing Ziegler, Katied Margarita, Robin Bougher and Brent Pfister.  Dav Members present were Norm Nelson State Commander, Donna Brittingham Chapter #77 Auxiliary Commander, Ken Schuetter Chapter #77 Commander, Richard Mangol, Dave Hotetter, Steve Bartels, Otic Cravens  and Charlie Parker in photo.  Others present and not in photo were Gary Love County Service Officer and Chapter #77 member Daryl Hensley.