Georgia Family Relocates to Jasper with Tenth Relocation Impact Grant

Jasper – The tenth Dubois County Relocation Impact Grant has been awarded.

Erik Mosley has been awarded the tenth Dubois County Relocation Impact Grant. Dubois Strong, in partnership with The Dubois County Community Foundation and Radius Indiana, awards the $5,000 grants to out-of-state workers choosing to move to Dubois County. Recipients must commit to staying for at least two years. 

The grant is part of the Make My Move/Choose Southern Indiana initiative with TMap to incentivize out-of-state workers to move to Dubois County. 

Erik and his wife, Lakeesha, are relocating to Jasper from Columbus, Georgia with their four children. The Mosleys were looking for a different environment to raise their kids, and heard about Dubois County and its abundance of manufacturing jobs through Erik’s cousin in Washington, Indiana. Erik has another cousin who has recently relocated to Dubois County from Tennessee. 

Erik will be employed by Kimball Electronics in Jasper. He is most looking forward to living in a rural area with a deep sense of community. This grant opportunity provides assistance to the Mosleys in establishing their new life in Dubois County. 

Additional Dubois County Relocation Impact Grants are available. For more information, please contact Dubois Strong via email at [email protected] or by phone at 812.482.9650.