Freedom Reins Therapeutic Riding Center Board Names Program Director

The Freedom Reins Therapeutic Riding Center Board of Directors has appointed Katie E. Hilgeman, Program Director, effective immediately. The selection of Hilgeman, a well-respected former board member and a practicing occupational therapist, follows a comprehensive evaluation and decision by the board to hire a day-to-day operational leader to execute the organization’s goals and objectives. 

Hilgeman will be responsible for overseeing and providing leadership for all aspects of Freedom Reins including students, horses, volunteers, instructors, equipment, and facilities. A key focus of this role will be planning, development, and process improvement in all program areas. She can be reached by calling/texting her at: 812-630-6171. 

Freedom Reins is always seeking volunteers. If you have an interest in volunteering, please contact Freedom Reins volunteer coordinator, Paula Anderson by email at or call/text at 812-639-0177. 

Volunteers are the backbone of the therapeutic riding program and support all areas of the program including: horse leaders and side walkers, assistant instructors, horse care, barn and facilities maintenance, volunteer outreach and coordination, social media, marketing, and landscaping.