Ferdinand Summer Park and Recreation Program Begins This Week

The 2021 Summer Park and Recreation program will officially begin at 9am on Tuesday, June 8, at the lower shelter house at 18th Street Park.  Sessions will take place each Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and will run through Friday July 30.

Due to ongoing concerns from COVID-19, this year’s program will be shaped differently than in previous years and we hope to receive full cooperation from parents and guardians in making this year’s program a success!

Unlike previous years where we offered one session, we are breaking the program into two sessions per day.  This is our attempt to reduce potential exposure and make it easier on our staff to monitor the kids and handle the activities.  Session times are 9-10:15am and 10:45-12:00.  The thirty-minute interval will allow all the children to picked up and provide the staff with ample time to disinfect the area before the second session begins. 

Also new this year, again for safety purposes, all children must be registered for a session before they can attend the Park and Rec program.  You may contact Ferdinand Town Manager Chris James to register your child at 812-367-2282 or by email at [email protected].  Space per session will be limited to no more than 18 children, and slots are already filling up, so please get registered as soon as possible. 

Additionally, when dropping off your children, parents/ guardians/ babysitters must sign in the kids or they will not be allowed to participate in that day’s event.  Also, if a child has not been previously registered, but are dropped off, they will not be able to take part and will not be monitored by staff.  In the event a child is not feeling well, we ask they be kept home, to avoid any contact issues.