Farmers and Land Managers can recycle empty pesticide jugs at annual Ag Recycling Day August 4
The Dubois County Solid Waste District is sponsoring our annual Agriculture Recycling Day on Wednesday, August 4 from 8:00 am til 12 noon. Dubois County farmers and land managers are invited to bring their empty, triple rinsed pesticide containers (with lids off) to be recycled. Last year 3500 containers were recycled during this event. The District encourages farmers and land managers to recycle again this year and welcomes additional businesses or agencies to participate.
Drums of used motor oil will also be accepted during Ag Day by pre-registration only. There will be a 50 cent per gallon charge this year due to market conditions. Any farmers having waste oil need to contact the solid waste district with contact info, how many drums and how many total gallons they would like to recycle. Once registered, drums must arrive on pallets or be able to be easily slid onto a pallet. Drums will be emptied and be available for pick up at a later date. No drums will be accepted without advance registration.
The event takes place at the District’s Process Center, located at 1103 South 350 West, just outside of Jasper. This is during regular public hours, so items that are accepted on a daily basis will be accepted as well. Farmers and land managers can call the office at 812-482-7865 or check out our Facebook page for additional information on the event.