Fall Seal Coat Operations Scheduled for SR 56 in Haysville
DUBOIS COUNTY, Ind. – The Indiana Department of Transportation announces seal coat operations for State Road 56 near Haysville.
Beginning on or around Tuesday, Oct. 12, INDOT Maintenance crews will close S.R. 56 from the Haysville Town Limits to S.R. 545 as they begin seal coat operations. During the operation, the existing pavement will be coated with liquid asphalt, which seals cracks and provides waterproof protection. Aggregate is then applied over the seal coat. Once the seal coat has cured, crews will sweep the highway clear of loose stone, apply a fog seal surface coat and paint pavement markings.
Work on S.R. 56 is expected to last for about three days, depending upon weather conditions and will be performed under soft closure with flaggers directing local traffic as appropriate.
Seal Coating, on average, extends the life of pavement by three to five years. For every $1 spent on seal coat, taxpayers save $6-14 in future road rehabilitation and construction costs. Motorists should remember to slow down, increase following distance, obey all work zone signs and flaggers, and plan for extra time to get to your destination.
INDOT urges drivers to slow down and stay alert near crews.