Dubois-Pike Federal Credit Union to Award Six Area Teachers Scholarships
Jasper - Dubois-Pike Federal Credit Union has announced the future awarding of six scholarships to area teachers.
The credit union's media release says:
"Dubois-Pike is happy to announce our 3rd Annual Classroom Scholarship for Teachers!We are here to help support our community through our hardworking local teachers! We invite you to tell local teachers about our classroom scholarships.
We are awarding SIX (6) - $200 Classroom Scholarships to our area teachers, for a total of $1,200!"
Teacher can apply by clicking the following link: https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0019F0KXsViVj9jkqxeibSFUudzCuf1Wsuha14yFJNROU14QQTz8bBTDm0m8e019qc1e66t2fLBBQ1ebpME2lMpaJa0OhIYZQsFvzOaU_uDWFEwoT_MuSENFbjogwpziPUJhNQiHqDirjgrHyocnaG8D3i80_U9kmljYlgYdF2j6eM7eg4LgOiEj_18rVTMUStY&c=LvNIpKc3iiaofLo3TH1QqaK8hR8Ix_FnDpQgyhjBcshzQL8sFcr65Q==&ch=T9xZZXsfGzVEV9RU4VauUaAqwgU-TsfORCEZGTtZrkeheQx8SqrUbA==