Dubois County Treasurer Kitty Merkley Announces Extended Hours for May 10th Property Tax Collection
Dubois Co. - Dubois County Treasurer Kitty Merkley would like to inform Dubois County
taxpayers that tax statements will be mailed on April 4, 2022 and remind them that
the Spring installment of property taxes will be due on Tuesday, May 10, 2022.
Payment for property taxes should be mailed to the courthouse, placed in the drop
box located on the corner of the Annex Building at Sixth and Jackson Streets in
Jasper, paid in the Treasurer’s Office, or paid online at www.duboiscountyin.com
go to the Treasurer’s page; choose Property Tax Payments and follow the
directions provided.
In order to ensure that your payment is applied to the
correct parcel please include the proper coupon(s). If a taxpayer would like a
receipt returned to them, they must include the taxpayer copy and a self-
addressed stamped envelope with their payment.
Payments should be sent to
the Dubois County Treasurer at: One Courthouse Square, Room 105, Jasper, IN
47546. The office may be reached at 812-481-7080. Normal office hours are: M-
F 8:00am - 4:00pm with the exception of, Wednesday, April 27th and Wednesday
May 4th 8:00am-6:00pm; and Monday, May 10th (Due Date) 8:00am-5:00pm.
Please note that the courthouse will be closed on Tuesday, May 3 for the
primary election.