Dubois County Tornado and Storm Debris Removal

Dubois Co.- The Dubois County Emergency Management Agency has released the following information concerning debris removal for the areas of the county that were affected by the tornado which passed through Dubois County during the early morning of Monday, August 7. 

To facilitate the debris removal efforts, the county has set up temporary sites at the following  locations: 

• Haysville Park South Field, Haysville Park Street (North side of road just past the  mill) 

  o Natural wood debris (tree limbs, branches, etc.) 

  o Construction debris dumpster 

  o Metal dumpster 

• Corner of 960 E and State Highway 56 

  o Construction debris dumpster 

• Dubois County Drop Site, 5080 N. State Road 545 

  o Construction debris dumpster 

These sites will be available from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM beginning Wednesday, August 9, 2023, and will remain available until 7:00 PM Wednesday, August 16.  

Any woody debris in the county right of way to be disposed of should be placed next to the  county roadway for pick up. If items can be cut into smaller than 8-foot lengths, it is appreciated. 

The State of Indiana and Dubois County does not allow the open burning of storm debris, i.e.  treated lumber, construction debris etc.; with the exception of, clean untreated wood and tree  limbs. Debris piles must be small and always supervised. Before any natural debris is burned, the  property owner is encouraged to contact their local fire chief.