Dubois County Substance Abuse Council Announces 2022 Executive Committee

Dubois Co. - The Dubois County Substance Abuse Council recently held elections for their executive board for 2022. 

Congratulations to the following elected representatives: (Back row) Brett Hurm (Co-Chair), Dana Wood (Dubois County Criminal Justice System Representative), Nancy Eckerle (Business/Industry Representative), Jenny Lampert (Judicial/Probation Representative), Terry Tanner (Treasurer), Candy Neal (Cares/Youth Representative), Rachel Trabant (Secretary), (Front row) Brooke Lampert (Dubois County Substance Abuse County Coordinator), Jenna Bieker (Chairperson), and Heather Terwiske (Medicine and Treatment Representative). 

Not pictured: Laura Wathen (Prevention Representative) and Deb Capps (Alumni Representative)