Dubois County Roads to Benefit from Community Crossings Grant Funds
The Dubois County Board of Commissioners held their regular meeting early Monday morning
with a focus on county improvements.
County Highway Superintendent Donnie Lueken told the board that the state is replacing some
pipe in Celestine across from 164. That area will be closed for several days, and possibly all
week. In the meantime, the county will take advantage of the closure to clean out some
problematic culverts in the area. Quite a few road repairs are in progress, and the Highway
Department issued a reminder for motorists to slow down when they see crews working or
construction signs posted.
The county has been awarded $1.5 million in a Community Crossings grant, which is the largest
award to date. The grant funds make up 75% of the total cost of the planned projects in the
application, so the county will be doing just over $2 million worth of work. Bids for these
projects will begin in April. The Highway Department’s Annual Operations Report was also
approved by the board.
Dubois County Sherriff’s Office requested that four vehicles be removed from service, as they
have had various operational failures. The Commission approved the purchase of a 2025
Durango and a 2025 Tahoe to see which performs better for their needs. The purchase of
additional vehicles will be considered at a later date if they are needed. Staffing requests were
not approved at this time.
In other business, for this year’s annual Courthouse security training, staff will be participating
in critical response training on July 22-23 at the Parklands. Jenny Matheis of the Indiana 15
Regional Planning Commission presented an update on the Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation
Program, where multiple repairs are underway. Roof bids were opened and reviewed, with
some low bids accepted and others retained for review.
The Commissioners approved a request by the Dubois County Historical Society to place two
lanterns in the north window of the Courthouse Tower for the evening of Friday, April 18. They
will stay lit overnight in commemoration of the 250th anniversary of Paul Revere’s ride, the
symbolic start of the American Revolution.
For more information on these and other updates, visit duboiscountyin.org/government
- By Drew Hasselbring