Dubois County Records One Death, Nine Cases as County is Downgraded to "Yellow Advisory"
Dubois Co. - In Wednesday's update from the Indiana Department of Health, Dubois County reported nine new cases and a death, as the county was downgraded to a "Yellow" Advisory.

Since last week's IDH Dashboard Map update, Dubois County's cases-per-100,000 residents dropped to 126; total positivity of those tested also dropped - to 6.56%. Dropping numbers in these two metrics downgraded the county from an "Orange" advisory to "Yellow".
The county has seen eight deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the month of October.
In the latest map update, only one county (Blackford) is currently under a Red Advisory, 48 Orange, 42 are under a Yellow advisory, and one Blue county (Monroe).

In last week's map update four counties were under a Red Advisory, 57 Orange, and 31 counties were under a Yellow Advisory.

Statewide, Indiana reported 2,062 new cases and 20 deaths.