Dubois County Prosecutor Announces Results of Undercover Buy Operation
Jasper, Indiana (August 17, 2021) - A Dubois County operation involving a series of undercover drug purchases has resulted in the arrests of three individuals who are now facing felony charges.
Prosecutor Anthony Quinn said the efforts are part of Dubois County law enforcement’s commitment to removing drugs from the streets and keeping citizens safe.
“I commend our local police for their outstanding efforts in these cases,” said Quinn. “Getting drugs and even more importantly, drug dealers, off our streets is one of our top priorities.”
The undercover controlled buys took place over the winter and early spring of 2021. In each case, an undercover officer or confidential informant contacted a suspected drug dealer, made arrangements to purchase methamphetamine, then met the suspect and purchased the drugs with marked bills. In a controlled buy, an undercover officer or a confidential informant arranges for and purchases drugs from a suspected drug dealer. In such investigations, the controlled buy is audio and video taped, as well as monitored in real time by nearby police officers.
Those arrested and charged are:
-Hunter W. Brown, 24, Velpen, two counts dealing methamphetamine, Level 4 felony, and one count dealing methamphetamine, Level 5 felony. Brown also received additional charges based on an incident that occurred when he was arrested on the dealing warrant: one count possession of methamphetamine, Level 5 felony, one count of trafficking with an inmate, Level 5 felony.
-James R. Monroe Sr., 59, Jasper, two counts of dealing in methamphetamine between one and five grams with an enhancing circumstance, Level 3 felony.
-Damon Langdon, 44, Huntingburg, two counts of dealing in methamphetamine, Level 4 felony. Langdon also received additional charges based on an incident that occurred when he was arrested on the dealing warrant: one count possession of methamphetamine, Level 6 felony, one count maintaining a common nuisance, Level 6 felony, and one count possession of paraphernalia, a Class C misdemeanor.
Brown is being held on a $5,000 full cash or $10,000 surety bond. Brown is required to participate in community corrections enhanced pre-trial monitoring as a condition of that bond.
Monroe’s bond was set at $20,000 full cash or $40,000 surety bond. Monroe is required to participate in community corrections enhanced pre-trial monitoring as a condition of that bond.
Langdon is being held without bond. Quinn noted there is another drug dealing case pending against Langdon.
Quinn also noted there are two additional warrants connected to the controlled buy operation that remain outstanding at this time.