Dubois County Plans for Long-Term Growth

The Dubois County Commissioners met on Monday morning with a very heavy agenda related to long-term planning for the county’s continued growth. 

In his Highway Report, Steve Berg advised the Commissioners that maintenance and repair work for the department is handled largely in-house, minimizing as much of the third-party work as possible. Berg said that equipment repair costs has increased as the costs for parts continues to rise. Three projects are targeted for completion in addition to some bridge maintenance, and the materials line item of the budget won’t be able to accommodate the projected expenses. Additional appropriations were approved for $60,000 to be placed into the highway equipment repair line items to satisfy the expected project needs. 

The Dubois dumpster site project planning is still in progress, and updates will be provided as they become available. The Commissioners also opened discussions regarding open hours for dumpster sites in respect to seasonal charges with darkness falling earlier in the evening. That conversation will continue as winter comes, specifically regarding possible lighting modifications or open hours adjustments for safety. The Commissioners were presented with some proposed modifications for the 2025 Highway Department budget, particularly in respect to vehicle and equipment replacement. Some adjustments were also suggested to accommodate the expense of the department’s new hydro excavator. The adjustments were accepted for presentation to the Council for final approval. In other updates, the Chip and Seal projects are ongoing, with 500 East nearing completion as early as Tuesday. Community Crossing projects are also underway, and bridge repairs are also in progress. 

In her Tourism update, Whitney Lubbers said that tourism revenue has continued to increase. Numbers from 2022 show a record year, following the 38% decrease in 2020 due to Covid. The county has seen a 59.8% increase in tourism spend in 8 years, and is ranked 14 out of 92 in per capita spend. While hotel room nights are down slightly, which has increased the per night charges, Air B&B stays have increased and continue to show growth. The department is partnering with influencers to increase marketing opportunities, and is also making the visitors guide available in Spanish. DC Bombers have driven tourism traffic with their new events and stadium improvements, and ROJAC’s improvements to the downtown Jasper area have contributed significantly to tourism opportunities. Numbers are expected to be bolstered by The Art Loop, Framing Ferdinand, and the Jasper Wellness Center as these projects are completed and added to current marketing. 

Health Department Director Shawn Werner presented the Commissioners with several security- related proposals. Werner received approval to install new panic buttons in high traffic areas for the department and also to make some changes regarding door access with the 911 and health department entrances. The Commissioners also discussed at length a request to increase the credit limit for the health department with Amazon to $8,000. While the increase was approved, the Commissioners also voiced their desire to source supplies from local vendors when possible rather than ordering from suppliers like Amazon by default. Concerns were expressed that while online suppliers can reduce costs and provide better value to the community, it could have long-term ramifications if local suppliers can’t sustain growth. 

In other news, an update was provided on expected claims and premiums for county employees with Houchens Health Insurance. The board expressed their concern that quotes are higher than they have been in the past, and that they would like to ensure that the best value for the county is being obtained while providing the best possible healthcare. A Courthouse Use Agreement was also approved to make the Courthouse restrooms available for Kids Day, which will be held on September 28 th from 10-1. In addition, Ordinance 2024-12 was approved, which will require standard contractual language for county contracts. 

For more information on these and other updates, visit duboiscountyin.org/government

 - By Drew Hasselbring