Dubois County "Mentor" Convicted of Molesting Child He Was Supposed to Be Helping


JASPER -- A former youth mentor has been convicted on two counts of child molesting following a two-day trial last week in Dubois County Circuit Court.

A jury found Nathan Albrecht, 28 of Ferdinand guilty of molesting a child he was mentoring through the “Mentors For Youth” program.  Prosecutors say the molestation occurred over the course of six to nine months.   He was the child’s mentor for about two years.

It took the jury just two-and-a-half hours to arrive at their guilty verdict.  It was the first jury trial to be held in Dubois County Court since the COVID-19 pandemic began.

Following last week’s conviction, Dubois County Prosecutor Anthony Quinn said, in a written statement, “I hope the swift outcome in this case will encourage other victims to come forward with the confidence that we will actively pursue justice and aggressively prosecute heinous crimes like these. We will always work tirelessly to protect vulnerable youth in our community.”

A sentencing hearing has been scheduled for October 1, 2020.