Dubois County Holding Christmas Light Recycling Campaign

Local Sources - Last season, Dubois County residents recycled over a half a ton of old Christmas lights, and the Dubois County Solid Waste District asks residents to recycle, rather than throw away, old strings of Christmas lights again this year.

From Friday, November 19 to Friday, January 14, Dubois County residents can recycle strands of old lights at the Solid Waste District Process Center and at the Jasper Rural King store during regular hours.

“Cardboard barrels will again be provided just inside the Rural King entrance and we ask that residents just dump their strands of lights in the barrel without any bags or packaging,“ says Solid Waste District Director, Carla Striegel-Winner. “We have had a wonderful response the past three seasons, with a total of 3,481 pounds of strands being recycled. Keep up the good recycling work, Dubois County!”

The program accepts strands of electric lights only, not rigid frames such as yard shapes.

This recycling program is in cooperation with Jasper Salvage, Jasper Rural King and the Dubois County Solid Waste District. The District Process Center is located at 1103 S. 350 W., Jasper. Regular hours are 8 am to 1 pm Monday through Friday. Residents may call 812-482-7865, email duboiscoswmd@psci.net or check out our Facebook page for more information. The Jasper Rural King is located at 1920 Lube Way.