Dubois County Health Department to Offer Septic System Workshop in Haysville
Haysville - A free Septic System Workshop will be offered by the Dubois County Health Department next week.
A free Septic System Workshop is being offered between 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm (EDT) on
Thursday, October 14th. It is a “stop in, visit and watch” event being offered on a home
construction site. A “chamber type” septic system is being installed. Attendees may
stop by for 15 minutes, or for the full 2 hours to watch the construction and learn more
about how septic systems function.
Anyone currently using a septic system, thinking about building a home that will use a
septic system, or individuals who would just like to see how septic systems operate
would benefit from attending. Realtors are invited to attend as well.
Installation and septic system maintenance will be discussed, and experts will be on
hand to answer questions.
The Septic System Workshop will be held in the town of Haysville at 7250 N. Park Drive,
Jasper IN 47546. The site is just North of the Haysville Park. DIRECTIONS: Take US 231
to Haysville, across from the intersection of US 231 and State Rd. 56 in Haysville you will
turn West onto Haysville Park Street. Continue past the park and then turn West onto
Park Drive, the construction site will be there on your right.
This educational event is offered by the Lower East Fork White Watershed 319 Grant
Project, focused on water quality. The local County Soil and Water Conservation
Districts are sponsors of this grant project, which is also supported by the Dubois County
Health Department.
In the event of inclement weather that will not allow the installation of the septic
system, the event will be postponed.