Dubois County District Process Center to Host Saturday Hours Through October
DUBOIS COUNTY -- The Dubois County Solid Waste District is holding monthly Saturday events for residents unable to use District Process Center services during the regular daily public hours.
This will be held on Saturday, March 7 from 8 am to 12 noon. Items normally accepted at the Process Center will be accepted during this time. Items accepted at the Process Center include electronics, small appliances, household hazardous waste materials (HHW), fluorescent bulbs, cooking oil, large metal items, and tires.
Information on acceptable items can be found at www.duboiscountyrecycles.org and then by searching the 3R Waste Wizard or by calling the District at 812-482-7865. Unloading assistance is not available and residents should bring a helper if unable to do so themselves.
Process Center Saturday is for Dubois County residents only. No businesses will be accepted. No unloading assistance available.
Although a large/bulky item dumpster is on site, large loads will be refused and referred to the Blackfoot landfill in Winslow. All items taken during this time are also accepted during our normal public hours of 8 am to 1 pm Monday to Friday, so residents are asked to reserve this event for those unable to come during those hours. All regular fees apply; cards not accepted. The District Process Center is located at 1103 S. 350 W., Jasper.
The Process Center will hold Saturday hours once per month March through October. The next event will be held Saturday, April 4 from 8 to 12 noon.