Dubois County Council Agrees to $500,000 in Funding for Jasper Revitalization, Ponders 911 Center Move

Dubois Co. - In Monday's Dubois County Common Council Meeting, the Council approved money for the Jasper Downtown Revitalization Plan, and explored the potential on moving the current 911 Call Center.

Downtown Revitalization

The County Council approved $500,000 over two years as a contribution for the Jasper Downtown Revitalization Project.

Much of Monday’s conversation focused on Jasper’s ability to pay for the project – given numerous ongoing projects – and the county’s interest in aiding county facilities in the downtown square. Among the improvements identified in helping county facilities was the ADA compliant ramp.

The funding proposal had last been heard in November 2021.

More details on the Jasper Downtown Revitalization Plan can be found here: https://www.witzamfm.com/news/mayor-vonderheide-covers-downtown-revitalization-recreation-and-aquatic-center-updates-in-coffee-and-conversation

Below is a tentative schedule for the Courthouse Square Infrastructure & Revitalization Project as of January 24, 2022. Please note this schedule can change. 
We will continue to provide updates as we receive them. 

Tentative Bid Schedule:
1/20/2022 First Advertisement for Bids - COMPLETED 
1/27/2022 Second Advertisement for Bids 2/8/2022 Pre-Bid Meeting for interested contractors 2/22/2022 Bids Due/Bid Opening at Board of Public Works & Safety Mtg. 3/8/2022 Bid Approval/Award Contract 

Tentative Construction Schedule: 3/18/2022 Notice to Proceed 11/24/2022 – 1/2/2023 Construction Pause -6 Weeks 3/24/2023 Substantial Completion 4/21/2023 Final Completion 56 Weeks 
 If you have not reviewed the Courthouse Square Infrastructure & Revitalization Project presentation, you can view renderings and construction drawings on the City of Jasper’s website, jasperindiana.gov

Moving the 911 Communications Center

Dubois County 911 Center Coordinator Stuart Wilson and Chad Blessinger presented the move of the Center to the Sheriff’s Office. Though the demolition of a cell block and creation of the new building comes with a large price tag of $765,000, Wilson identified several positives. Among them, a 24/7 police presence for the safety of 911 operators, continuity of service, and new and improved services.

In the previous year, the call center has serviced 38,000 calls.

“We’re busy,” Blessinger said.

The move, though, may bring negatives. According to Wilson, disruption to the sensitive work and the price itself are high on the list of downsides.

Wilson estimated that renovations to the current location would cost $300,000 – as opposed to the cost of tailoring a new area for their exact needs. The construction would likely not begin until 2023.

The movement passed unanimously.

DC Abuse Council

Jenna Bieker, with the Dubois Substance Abuse Council, requested that the Substance Abuse Council be allowed to pull down user funds to split equally among the four county school corporations. A total of $41,294.66 would be split four ways for the purpose of upgrading school alarms.

Bieker mentioned that newer models may better detect vape smoke in bathrooms or alert guidance counselors to loud noises, possibly alerting them to a fight or accident.

The movement passed.

County Interpreter

The County Council discussed the possibility of hiring a Spanish Translator to work at multiple areas and offices within the county. The primary translator working with the county is looking to slow down their work schedule.

With rising Spanish-speaking Dubois County residents, it was requested that a translator be hired for 35 hours per weeks for a salary between $35,000-$40,000.

Other business:

-Mike Kluesner accepted the nomination for position of President. Craig Greulich accepted the nomination for Vice President.

-Sheriff Tom Kleinhelter notified the council of his intention to explore the possibility of hiring a new part-time jailer. Kleinhelter mentioned that they had one potential employee in mind, whom would likely work in the control room rather than being around the general population.