Dubois County Council Adopts 2022 Budgets
Jasper – Monday afternoon, the Dubois County Common Council met to adopt 2022 budgets, and to receive information for a potential grant.
During the session, the Council approved Dubois County’s total budget of $30,028,626. The Northeast Dubois School Corporation annual budget was set for $12,165,687 for the upcoming year. A total of $118,100 was approved for the Northeast Dubois Fire District. The Dubois County Airport Authority adopted a budget of $1,510,239.
Dubois County Sheriff Tom Kleinhelter and Community Corrections’ Megan Durlauf took the floor to discuss an opportunity in the form of a Byrne Grant. The Byrne Grant is available through the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute.
A potential grant would assist best practices in criminal justice and would span five years – ranging from 100% funding in the first year, to lower percentages over the remaining years.
Kleinhelter and Durlauf are hopeful to hire, with full funding for two years, two social workers for the county. Applications are due November 5th; funding would be awarded in January.
No vote was taken on the Byrne Grant – the Sheriff’s Office will put in for the grant before seeking final approval from the County Commissioners.
Other business:
-Purdue Extension would like to relocate to old HLS building citing the location having double the office space that they currently do. Rent would increase to approximately $4,000 per month. No action was taken during the meeting.