On Monday morning, the Dubois County Board of Commissioners met in chambers with a full agenda. They approved plans to hire an additional part-time mower to help open up right of way and clear the roads in routes that would include Huntingburg, Ireland, and Jasper. They also approved the purchase of some equipment including a new portable lift that is required for safety reasons. In addition, they approved a request for the City of Ireland to rope off roads along the St. Patrick’s Day parade route on Sunday March 17 beginning at 1 pm. 

In other business, the Southwest Indiana Work Force renewed their local elected officials agreement with the Commissioners. They provided an update on JAG, Jobs for America’s Graduates, saying that current JAG students competed this past Friday in the Career Development Conference. There, they sign up for career-related competitions including public speaking and similar events. A student from Jasper was selected as Outstanding Senior, having shown how JAG affected her life and what her post-secondary plans were for the future. 

An update of the Duff Solar Project, located just west of Huntingburg, provided some very encouraging news as the county signed the certificate to proceed. The project, which includes a capital investment of about 150 million dollars, is expected to generate approximately 25 million in property taxes paid to the county and approximately 30 million dollars paid to landowners over the life of the project, which is approximately 35 years. The land acquisition has been completed, leasing 1600 acres, of which about 500 acres will host panels. Engineering and environmental studies have been completed, and multiple requests have been made for power from local utilities that will make the project financially competitive when a commercial agreement is signed. A road use agreement is in place, obligating Duff Solar to return the roads to the county in at least the same condition as they were received. Some roads will also be upgraded in advance to account for traffic during construction, which is expected to begin later this year. 

For more information on these and other updates, visit duboiscountyin.org/government 

- By Drew Hasselbring