Dubois County College Advantage Offers Public Session To Help Students Earn Free College Credits

Press Release - A new advocacy group in Dubois County is aiming to help students navigate college credit.

Dubois County College Advantage says it is no secret that the cost of post-secondary education continues to increase. Thankfully a number of resources and opportunities have developed that allow youth and adult learners to earn college credits at low to no cost.

A new advocacy group has formed called Dubois County College Advantage to help students navigate their way to earning college credits usable at most institutions in the most affordable way possible. 

Through their personal experiences, this group has discovered that learners can shorten their time in college. This leads to significant savings or can lessen the number of credits taken each semester. In turn, this translates to an increase in time available to work or pursue other activities while still being a full-time student.

The tools that the group has discovered are applicable for learners as young as age 14 and have no upper age limit. These tools can be used by anyone who is motivated to pursue higher education.

College Advantage co-founder Tony Buechler says “Dubois County students and parents know the value of a college degree. However many are not familiar with the different opportunities available to them to earn their diploma quicker and at a lower cost. Our group will help give learners insights on how to maximize those opportunities.”

College Advantage co-founder Erin Tower says “Earning college credits for free, or very little cost, by exam allows students to possibly shorten the duration of their higher education journey. This could amount to significant savings. Other benefits include the possibility of more time to pursue a minor area of study or just simply not having to take such heavy course loads each semester. The benefits of getting some of these classes out of the way are numerous and deserve further exploration by anyone considering venturing into the realm of post-secondary education.”

Dubois County College Advantage will be holding a short information session on Wednesday, May 24th at 6:30 pm at the Jasper Library to discuss the benefits of using CLEP exams to earn basic college credits for free or at a very minimal cost. The differences between AP exams, Dual Credit, and CLEP as it applies to the traditional high school student will also be touched upon. 

CLEP (the College-Level Examination Program, offered by The College Board, the people who offer the SAT and AP test, consists of 34 exams that cover the intro-level college course material, including foreign languages. These tests demonstrate that a student has college-level proficiency in a specific topic. With a passing score on one CLEP exam, one could earn three or more college credits which transfer to more than 2,900 U.S. colleges and universities.

For more information or if you have questions, visit the Dubois County College Advantage Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/duboiscountycollegeadvantage