Dubois County 4-H Holding Drive-Thru Pork Chop Dinner in May
Dubois Co. - Dubois County 4-H is having a Pork Chop drive-thru dinner again this year.
The drive-thru dinner will be held on May 1st and pick up will be at the Clover Pavilion from 10:30 am -12:30 pm.
Meals will be presale only and cost $12 a plate. Meal consists of a pork chop, and a serving of cheesy potatoes, and green beans.
Presale Tickets are available now and the last day to buy is April 19. Tickets are available at any German American Bank location or from any 4-H Council Member, 4-H Club Leader, or 4-H Member.
Proceeds will benefit the Dubois County 4-H Fairgrounds.