Drug Activity Leads to Two Arrests
On Saturday, March 19, 2022, first responders were dispatched to 1427 N Niehaus Trail in Huntingburg for a possible opioid overdose. On Sunday, March 20, 2022, the Dubois
County Sheriff's Office was contacted by law enforcement from another jurisdiction about
potential drug activity involving individuals living at 1427 N Niehaus Trail.
On Monday, March 21, 2022, the Huntingburg Police Department and the Dubois County
Sheriff’s Office assisted the Dubois County Superior Court Probation Office in enforcing a court
order at 1427 N Niehaus Trail.
During the service of the order, officers located illegal narcotics
in the residence, and contacted the Dubois County Prosecutor's Office. The Dubois County
Prosecutor's Office assisted law enforcement in obtaining a search warrant for the property. The
warrant was issued by the Dubois County Circuit Court.
In total, officers located approximately 15 pounds of marijuana, 177 grams of psylocibin
mushrooms, various other thc products, and approximately $11,000 in cash.
Arrested at the residence were: Alexis J. Seitz and Robert L. Shepherd III. These two individuals
were charged with the following crimes: 1) Dealing in a Schedule I Controlled Substance
(psylocibin mushrooms), a Level 2 felony; 2) Dealing in Marijuana Over 10 Pounds, a Level 5
felony; 3) Possession of Marijuana, a Level 6 felony; 4) Maintaining a Common Nuisance, a
Level 6 felony; 5) Possession of Marijuana, a Level 6 felony; and 6) Possession of Paraphernalia,
a Class A/C misdemeanor.
The investigation is ongoing at this time. A charge of a crime is merely an accusation, and the
defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.