Dove House Awarded Over $1 Million from FSSA

Local Sources—Dove Recovery House for Women has received $1,065,849.50 from the Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA) as part of the Division of Mental Health and Addiction (DHMA) Community Catalyst Grant to address the disparities in access to treatment services. This grant is part of a larger statewide initiative to focus on mental health programming for Hoosiers experiencing a wide range of mental health issues.  

“We are incredibly thankful to DMHA for its leadership, support and vital funding to provide mental health and addiction treatment services to the most vulnerable individuals in our communities,” said Wendy Noe, CEO of Dove House. “The Community Catalyst Grant provides Dove House with a much-needed opportunity to bridge a critical gap in comprehensive care for women who rarely have access to life-saving treatment programming, housing and wrap-around services.”

Funding from the DMHA Community Catalyst Grant will allow Dove House to accelerate its growth to meet the demand for addiction treatment services, deepen its approach to equitable access to care and actively contribute to improved outcomes for substance use disorder treatment in Indiana. Specifically, with this grant funding, Dove House will create new partnerships to focus on serving women of color, women in rural areas and women in the criminal justice system. 

Since the pandemic emerged, Indiana overdose rates skyrocketed by 80% and overdose deaths increased by 47%. Dove House receives more than 100 inquiries each month, with several coming directly from incarcerated women looking for a treatment program upon release from jail. 

To address a significant demand for services, Dove House recently announced a Capital Campaign expansion project to add 15 residential beds to its main campus in Indianapolis and relocate its community outreach center. Additionally, this fall Dove House is expanding to Jasper, IN where there are currently no treatment and recovery residence options for women in the county.