DONNELLY: "We Need to Make Sure Every American Has a Chance"
WITZ Radio News is an affiliate of Network Indiana
INDIANAPOLIS -- U.S. Senator elect Mike Braun is the winner of the race for U.S. Senate from Indiana..
His opponent Sen. Joe Donnelly conceded, saying he wishes Braun the best, and hopes he makes every single Hoosier proud.
With more than 60 percent of the vote counted, Braun out polled Donnelly, 54 percent to 42 percent.
"I want to thank all Hoosiers for giving me a resounding victory, putting your faith in me, and I will not let you down," said Braun.
Braun said he believes politics has "gotten way too nasty on both sides".
"We as conservatives, being led by Pres. Trump, we've got to prove why our way of thinking, why what works in the state of Indiana, is gonna work for the rest of America," he said.
Donnelly's concession speech was short. His departure from the Senate means Indiana's only two Democrat representatives in the Congress are Rep. Andre Carson, of Indianapolis, and Rep. Pete Visclosky, of northwestern Indiana.
"We need to make sure that we work to bring our country together, rather than divide it. We need to make sure every American has a chance," said Donnelly.
His loss was unexpected by many political analysts.