DNR Law Enforcement Division is Looking to Hire New Conservation Officers
From Indiana Dept. of Natural Resources
AREA WIDE -- The Indiana DNR Division of Law Enforcement is looking to fill Indiana Conservation Officer (ICO) positions across the state with highly motivated, outdoor-centered individuals.
Anyone interested in a career as an ICO should first to go to dnr.IN.gov/lawenfor and complete the Pre-screening test. Completion of this test by midnight Feb. 4, 2019 is required to be considered for the 2019 hiring process, which starts in late February 2019.
Indiana Conservation Officers are the state’s old law enforcement agency. ICOs are fully recognized Indiana police officers who enforce and uphold all DNR rules and regulations as well as all other Indiana state laws. ICOs spend the majority of their time enforcing fishing and hunting regulations, conducting marine boat patrol on Indiana’s waterways, and patrolling DNR properties to keep them safe and family friendly.
In addition to traditional law enforcement work, ICOs also engage in many specialty areas, including SCUBA, K-9, search and rescue, swift water rescue and many more.
To be qualified to pass the pre-screening test, you must be a U.S. citizen; be 21 years old by Dec. 27, 2019; and have an associate’s degree from an accredited college or completed 60 hours toward a bachelor’s degree, or have four years full time active military service with an honorable discharge by Aug. 12, 2018.
You must be able to pass minimum Indiana Law Enforcement Academy physical fitness requirements as listed at ilea.IN.gov/2338.htm.