Congressional Candidate Randy Niemeyer Urges Action to Address Border Crisis

Lake County Councilman and candidate for Congress Randy Niemeyer issued a statement expressing concern over the Biden Administration's failure to address the border crisis:

"We have a crisis on our southern border that demands a comprehensive and decisive response. We need immigration reform that addresses the complexity of the situation, but first and foremost, we need to secure our border. I applaud Governor Abbott's efforts in Texas for trying to enforce our immigration laws and uphold our sovereignty. Yet, Democrats in Washington like Joe Biden and Frank Mrvan are promoting lawlessness and are putting lives at risk. 

"Biden has removed border barriers that would have acted as immigration funnels designed to deter illegal immigration and route asylum seekers to legal points of entry. Instead, Biden has created a situation that encourages migrants to cross into more dangerous areas, putting the lives of migrants and our citizens at risk. 

"If elected, I am committed to working across party lines to develop effective, humane, and sensible solutions to the border crisis. We must secure our borders, enforce immigration laws, and simultaneously explore avenues to address the underlying issues causing the record influx of migration. By doing so, we can uphold the integrity of our immigration system, reward those who choose to enter our country legally, and protect our security and sovereignty, all while honoring the values that define our great nation."