CLOSINGS AND DELAYS: Wednesday, February 17, 2021
- North Spencer Schools (eLearning)
- Holy Trinity Catholic School (eLearning)
- Pike County Schools (Snow Day)
- Washington Community Schools (eLearning)
- Tell City-Troy Schools (eLearning)
- Color My World Preschool
- Dubois County Museum - Closed thru Friday
- Jasper VFW Post 673 Auxiliary Meeting Cancelled
- Augustana United Church of Christ (Holland) - No Ash Wednesday service
- St. John's Lutheran Church (Dubois) - Ash Wednesday service is cancelled
- Huntingburg United Methodist Church - Ash Wednesday service is cancelled
- St. Peters UCC (Dubois) 7 p.m. Ash Wednesday - Facebook only (no drive- thru ashes)
- St. Mary's (Ireland) No Ash Wednesday Service
- Salem United Church of Christ (Huntingburg) - Ash Wednesday service is cancelled, however they will have a Facebook Live service at 7 p.m.
- St. James Lutheran Church (Holland) - All activities, including Ash Wednesday services, are cancelled for Wednesday
- Huntingburg Faith Community Church - No Wednesday night services
- Trinity United Church of Christ - Jasper - Ash Wednesday service - cancelled