City of Jasper Welcomes Three Summer Interns: Kaitlin Eubank, Will Messmer, and Julio Rosales

Jasper - The City of Jasper has hired three interns for the summer of 2022 within the Community Development/Planning, Legal, and Arts Departments. 

The City of Jasper welcomes Will Messmer as the Community Development and Planning Intern. Under the guidance of the Director of Community Development and Planning, Darla Blazey, Will will assist with communication efforts related to the Courthouse Square Infrastructure and Revitalization Project. He will also assist the Heart of Jasper with social media content and district research, conduct an analysis of potential annexations to the City of Jasper, and contribute to the creation and submission of multiple grant programs. 

Messmer, born and raised in Jasper, is a sophomore at Purdue University where he is double majoring in Marketing and Mass Communication. He plans to double minor in Management and Human Resource Management. He is also involved with College Mentors for Kids and serves as the Vice-President of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. 

The City of Jasper also welcomes Julio Rosales as the Legal Intern. Under the guidance of City Attorney, Renee Kabrick, he will assist in daily operations of the department and the greater city government. Rosales will also be focusing on working with tax benefits as well as retaining the experience in drafting resolutions and ordinances. 

Rosales, originally from California and current resident of Jasper, is a Junior at Indiana State University where he is studying Political Science and double minoring in Spanish and Legal studies. He is also the Director of Leadership for the Student Government Association, involved in Delta Sigma Phi, and is Vice-President of both the Student Philanthropy Organization and Phi Alpha Delta. 

The Jasper Arts Department is pleased to welcome Katlin Eubank as the Arts Intern. Under the guidance of Kyle Rupert, she will assist in planning specific events with the Arts Department including the Beehive Arts Market. 

Eubank, a Jasper native, is a Junior at Cedarville University where she is studying Industrial Design with a minor in the Bible. She also has her own vendor stand at the Farmers Market where she runs her own jewelry and fairy garden figurine business.