City of Jasper Selected as a Finalist for PreservINg Main Street Grant
Jasper, IN... The City of Jasper has been selected as a finalist for the PreservINg Main Street Pilot
Program. Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch and the Office of Community and Rural Affairs announced the
five community finalists which include towns of Attica, Brookville and Cambridge City and the
cities of Kendallville and Jasper.
One pilot community will be selected and awarded a two-million-dollar grant for implementation
funds of downtown preservation projects and operational expenses through OCRA’s Community
Development Block Grant program. The pilot program also includes multiple capacity and
leadership building opportunities through a partnership with Main Street America, Indiana
Humanities, and Indiana Landmarks.
Jasper will receive an in-person site visit from the selection team this August. The selected pilot
community will be announced on Friday, Sept. 10, 2021.
Mayor Dean Vonderheide stated, “This is a great opportunity for the Heart of Jasper to continue
their great work in the downtown area. Through their aggressiveness in influencing the
development of this area of our city in the past year, they have positioned Heart of Jasper well to
qualify as a finalist for this highly competitive grant. “