City of Jasper "Gas Conservation" Still in Effect
As of 10:00 AM this morning, the Gas Conservation is no longer in effect.
Original Posts:
Jasper- As of 10:00 AM this morning, the Gas Conservation is no longer in effect.The City of Jasper's Gas Conservation is still in effect.
The City of Jasper has been informed by the Utility Gas Management, the contracted gas
management company, there is a temporary need to reduce our gas usage IMMEDIATELY.
extreme cold and wind chill has had an impact on natural gas production and their pipelines
affecting supplies to areas throughout the Midwest. We are asking industries that use natural
gas to shut down temporarily and turn thermostats down until this situation is resolved.
We also ask that citizens (1) turn their thermostats
down to below 70 degrees, (2) delay or minimize the use of gas appliances and hot water
heaters and (3) avoid using gas fireplaces. Every bit of reduced demand helps and together we
can protect our crucial public health facilities during this challenging time.