City of Huntingburg Water Department Flushing Hydrants

Huntingburg– The City of Huntingburg’s Water Department is conducting hydrant flushing beginning Monday, August 29, through Friday, September 30, 2022. This process will take place at various locations throughout the city on a daily basis. Flushing times will typically be Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 

Flushing is performed to improve water quality and is a necessary preventative maintenance activity for proper waterline function. Although it may appear to waste water, flushing improves pressures and flow rates needed for fire protection, aids in maintaining proper valve and hydrant operation and helps to provide better overall water service to our customers. 

Water will remain safe to drink; however, special care and attention is recommended, especially before doing laundry.  Customers are advised to run cold water through their taps for five to seven minutes to clear any discoloration in the water that may adversely affect laundry items.  The City of Huntingburg is not responsible for the cleaning and/or replacement of those items.

For more information, please contact Rachel Steckler, Director of Community Development, at 683-2211 or by email at