Celebration Singers to Resume in 2022, Hold First Rehearsal
Local Sources - After a two-year hiatus due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Celebration Singers community choir has announced they will be resuming activities for the 2022 season.
The Celebration Singers formed in 2002 and is made up of singers from Dubois, Pike, Spencer, Crawford and Martin Counties. With the exception of 2020 and 2021, the community choir has been sharing their vocal and musical talents by performing multiple free concerts each year in the Southern Indiana region.
The choir will hold their first rehearsal for the 2022 season on Monday, March 28th, at 7:00 p.m. EDT at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Jasper. New members are always welcome, and are encouraged to join the Celebration Singers as they "sing for fun"!
Visit the choir's website at www.celebrationsingers.org.