BREAKING: Two Members of the Dubois County Health Dept. Test Positive For COVID-19


CORRECTION: The article previously stated that two members of staff have tested positive.  At this time, we do not know how many members of staff are infected.

JASPER -- The Dubois County Health Department has announced members of their staff have tested positive for COVID-19, according to a statement released Saturday. 

 "With their permission, we want to inform our community of their ongoing recovery from this highly contagious virus," read the statement.  It went on to say, "These employees have been fortunate enough to self-isolate and monitor their symptoms from home and have not required hospitalization at this point."

Read the full statement from the Health Department below.

The health of our staff and their families is top priority at the Dubois County Health Department, so we can provide for the needs of our healthcare workers and the overall well-being of the general public.  With that said, there have been members of the Dubois County Health Department who have tested positive for Covid-19. With their permission, we want to inform our community of their ongoing recovery from this highly contagious virus. These employees have been fortunate enough to self-isolate and monitor their symptoms from home and have not required hospitalization at this point.

Once the Dubois County Health Department was notified by the first positive individual, numerous measures, with guidance from ISDH and CDC, were implemented to minimize the risk of exposure to other employees. These included, enhanced cleaning and sanitizing of high contact surfaces, further social distancing, providing cloth face coverings for employees, and enhancing employees’ capabilities to work from home.  We are hopeful all these measures will prevent future cases.

Contracting Covid-19 is a risk we take every time we leave our homes for groceries, other essentials and even going to work.  You cannot avoid what you cannot see, that is why the STAY HOME ORDER, SOCIAL DISTANCING, AND GOOD HAND HYGEINE is so important!  With perseverance, strength, and support for each other, we will get through this together!
