Board of Public Works and Safety convened in Council Chambers

Tuesday morning, the Board of Public Works and Safety convened in Council Chambers. Some financial business was addressed as the board approved the call for bids for a multi-use trail. In addition, they approved the police department’s request to accept the bid received from Washington Chrysler to purchase some needed vehicles. The Jasper Chamber of Commerce annual agreement was also renewed for 2024. 

 In a heartwarming display, everyone present rose in applause as certificates of recognition were presented to two Jasper city employees for their heroic acts within the community. Because of their quick thinking, lives were saved. On December 23, 2023, Eric Sheeter found a resident unresponsive in her front yard. She had suffered a cardiac arrest and was not breathing. Eric started CPR and continued until paramedics arrived, and she survived thanks to his efforts. On January 13, 2024 Officer Jones likewise performed CPR on a Jasper apartment resident who was not breathing and had no pulse. Thanks to Officer Jones, the resident began breathing on his own. Both of these patients are alive today because of the way that these two local heroes used their training and the heroic way that they stepped forward to help someone in need. 

Police Chief Nathan Schmitt was gratified to report that traffic enforcement is up, and accidents are down as a result. Hiring will begin for a newly open officer position, so the department is hoping to be fully staffed soon. With the winter weather and a lot of construction projects in progress, Chief Schmitt asks everyone to remember to slow down and be mindful of traffic laws for everyone’s safety. 

In his report to the board, Fire Chief Kenny Hochgesang said that some maintenance on the fire stations is needed and will be completed during the winter months, so they will begin obtaining quotes for interior painting of all three fire stations. Of particular interest was the approval to purchase a Lucas device, which does compressions during cardiac arrest, for each fire station. The hospital already has them in use, and has found that they ensure effective compressions are being done and that enough oxygen is reaching the brain during CPR. This will be an invaluable, life-saving asset for public safety. 

Chief Hochgesang’s Wintertime Safety Tips for Alternative Heating: 
Using Space Heaters: 
 Maintain at least a three-foot perimeter from any combustibles. 
 Only purchase those with anti-tip safety devices. 
 Plug directly into the wall, not into an extension cord or power strip. Using Fireplaces: 
  Have chimneys cleaned by a certified inspector  Provide proper chimney ventilation. Homes should also have a working carbon monoxide detector! 

 For more information on these and other updates, visit or JasperGov-Indiana on Facebook.