The Daviess-Martin Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area (CISMA) will host a
wildflower walk on Saturday April 20 th , 10am at the Bluffs of Beaver Bend Nature Preserve. The event is
free, but space is limited and attendees must RSVP by emailing [email protected] or calling
812-329-0048. Attendees will learn to identify the wide variety of native plants growing along the
roadway at the base of the bluffs and up into the rocks, as well as the invasive garlic mustard that
threatens them. No special equipment will be needed. The roadway follows closely along the bluffs so
this walk will be accessible for all abilities. The event will take place rain or shine, unless severe weather
is forecast.
To reach the Bluffs, turn south from Highway 50 at the east end of the White River bridge, onto Water
Street in downtown Shoals. Stay on this street/road for exactly one mile, passing the fire station and
crossing the bridge over Beaver Creek. Stop immediately and park along the road near Spout Springs.
The guided nature walk will take attendees from Spout Springs into the nature preserve itself.
Emily Finch from the Martin County SWCD, and CISMA volunteers Karen Whorrall and Marion Mason
will lead the walk, which is expected to last about 45 to 60 minutes. For more information on the nature
preserve visit the Indiana DNR website at
BluffsofBeaverBend.pdf. If you’re interested in learning more about invasive species in the area, follow
the Daviess-Martin CISMA on facebook at
262962797961644 or check out their webpage at